Federal Election Commission Approves Standlouder.com, An Innovative New Political Advertising Platform
StandLouder.com has obtained approval from the Federal Election Commission for its innovative new political advertising platform. Womble Carlyle attorney Jim Kahl represented StandLouder.com in its bid to allow average citizens and small businesses to sponsor political communications.
In this election cycle, independent political advertising has been dominated by well-funded special interest groups, Super PACs, and advocacy organizations. The goal of StandLouder.com is to provide a venue where ordinary citizens and small businesses can join with others to sponsor user-generated ads about candidates and issues. Website users can donate their dollars to the ads they want to support and can submit their own ads for funding by other users. Once there is broad-based buy-in for an ad, StandLouder.com will place that ad on TV, radio, or distribute through other communications media. To ensure that StandLouder.com remains a platform for average Americans, users cannot coordinate their activities with candidates and political parties, and foreign corporations, foreign individuals, and federal contractors are prohibited from providing content or funding ads.
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