Larry Norton to Speak at Corporate Lobbying and Political Activity Forum
Womble Carlyle attorney Larry Norton will be speaking at the American Conference Institute's National Advanced Forum on Corporate Lobbying and Political Activity. The conference is scheduled for April 29-30 at the Marriott Metro Center in Washington, D.C.
Norton is on the three-attorney Conference Advisory Board and will be speaking on "State Pay-to-Play Legislation and Enforcement: Navigating a Changing Landscape." Topics to be discussed include:
- State variations across the country vis-à-vis covered donors
- Trend toward including gifts and entertainment in state pay-to-play laws
- Illinois' new pay-to-play requirements
- New registration and reporting requirements
- Contribution and solicitation restrictions on Illinois bidder, contractors and related entities - New Jersey’s pay-to-play regime
- Contribution limits and enforcement requirements
- Recent expansion of scope of regime - Assessing the potential risk to your company if the company or its contractors make political donations
- Guidelines for employees – so they don’t unwittingly violate pay-to-play rules.
Norton also is leading a pre-conference workshop on “The Fundamentals of Corporate Political Activity.” The workshop will be held from 2-5 p.m. on April 28th.
For more information or to register, click here.
Labels: corporate lobbying political law
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